Commercial Junk & Debris Removal
At ReadyClean Exterior Cleaning Services, we clean what matters most. Along with residential cleaning, we also specialize in commercial junk removal in Des Moines, IA.
If your business is being consumed with junk or debris, give us a call. We'll effectively free your premises from any unwanted items.
Contact the ReadyClean team for an estimate on junk hauling or debris removal today!
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Our Commercial Junk Removal Services
We provide a wide range of services to remove junk from commercial sites. From cleaning up after a renovation to removing discarded junk from your property, we can help.
Post-Renovation Cleanup
Renovating your business is a great way to upgrade your company and bring in new vigor! But, there is the downside of all the cleanup that's required after. We make the cleanup process easy with our post-renovation cleanup services.
Some of the things we can help with after renovation include the removal of construction debris and the hauling of building materials on site. This makes it easier for you to focus on what's important - adjusting to your new and improved office site!
Unwanted Furniture Removal
Keeping unwanted, old furniture around can be annoying. It takes up precious space and prevents you from making the space what you need it to be. Perhaps you don't know how to properly dispose of the furniture, or you don't have the necessary means to get it out of your building.
As you upgrade your office space into the modern paperless age, filing cabinets tend to take up space, as do outdated chairs, desks, and other old unused office furniture. We can help you get rid of it with our quality junk removal services.
Simplify Moving Your Business
Moving your company to a new location is a great opportunity to clean out your offices and remove what you don't need or want anymore. We'll haul away junk that no longer serves your office, so that you can start fresh in your new location.
The ReClean Guarantee
Our ReClean Guarantee is our promise that if you're unhappy with your cleaning after it's done, we will make it right!
Simply contact us to come back at no additional cost and take care of any issues you may have experienced during the initial cleaning process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! Give us a call or fill out our online form for a free quote.
We base our quote estimations on the number of items that need to be removed, and how far it will need to be taken. Typically, as the junk removal quantities increase, so too does the price estimate.
We haul all types of junk removal. Anything from construction debris, organic items like branches and trees, furniture, and even old equipment and supplies!
Get in touch with us to learn if we'll take your items.
Schedule Today With Ease
Getting a quote is easy to do, and we are happy to help you with your commercial junk removal project. From construction debris to furniture, we take most items.
Give ReadyClean Exterior Cleaning Services a quick call or schedule your appointment online. We look forward to having your business!

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