Let Us Clean Up Your Junk!
ReadyClean Exterior Cleaning Services is your one-stop shop for junk removal in Des Moines, IA and the surrounding areas. Our safe and stress-free removal service is the perfect answer to cluttered garages, unwanted furniture, and post-construction debris.
Whether you need help clearing away lumber after a building project or an experienced crew to galvanize your spring cleaning, the experts at ReadyClean are on hand to assist.
Reach out for an estimate and enjoy your clean home when you book our junk-hauling services today!
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Prompt & Professional Junk Removal Services
Clearing debris often involves long hours and heavy lifting, both of which can lead to injury if you don't have the proper equipment or training. Whatever you need hauling away, we've got you covered.
Construction Debris
Few projects are more satisfying than building a treehouse for the kids – or yourself! However, the more amateur carpenters among us tend to go through a trial-and-error phase during the construction process, leaving massive piles of splintered two-by-fours and tattered plywood in our wake.
Give ReadyClean a shout, and we'll be right over to haul those unsightly remnants away so you – that is, the kids – can go back to enjoying your new treehouse.
Household Clutter
Most of us lead busy lives with little to no time to stop and take stock of our surroundings. Old clothes, outgrown toys, off-the-mark Christmas gifts, nearly-empty bottles of cleaning products: these things tend to accumulate without us noticing.
Then, one fateful day, we suddenly look around and utter the phrase we once heard our parents say: “Where did all this junk come from?!”
Before you start frantically planning an impromptu garage sale, take a deep breath and reach out to ReadyClean. We are wizards at de-cluttering, and we'll happily haul away anything in your home that no longer sparks joy.
Tree Branches
Severe storms can leave behind a serious mess. Contact ReadyClean after the next big one rolls through, and we'll come straight out to clear any downed tree branches out of your lawn.
The ReClean Guarantee
Dissatisfied with your house cleaning or debris removal? Let us make it up to you! Our ReClean Guarantee means that you never have to worry about picking up after us; if you notice something we missed, let us know, and we'll come right back out and take care of it.
Why Choose ReadyClean?
Our number one focus is providing clients with the best cleaning and junk removal service on the market. We believe in a customer-first approach that leaves no detail unnoticed.
A Modern Client Experience
From the moment you engage our services until you see us drive away with your junk, we go above and beyond to provide a stress-free experience. We prioritize clear communication and real-time updates to keep you fully informed about your appointment status.
100% Local Business
As a local business, we've dedicated ourselves to keeping our community clean. We're proud to count our customers as friends and neighbors.
We take being community-minded very seriously, which is why we offer our employees industry-leading compensation. Everyone who works for ReadyClean is guaranteed a living wage. That's how we're able to recruit the best and most dedicated cleaners and junk haulers in the business.
Fully Insured
Junk removal involves lots of moving pieces, not to mention foot traffic in and out of your home or around your property. Our business is insured under a $2 million general liability policy for your peace of mind.
Industry-Leading Equipment
Each of our company vehicles is outfitted with top-quality cleaning products, tools, and equipment to tackle any project. We show up to each appointment prepared for anything to ensure your cleaning and junk-hauling needs are met.
Call Today For Junk Hauling!
Don't spend another minute wondering how you'll get the remains of your kids' outgrown swingset out of your front yard. Enjoy your clean home and a junk-free property when you book ReadyClean's debris removal services.

Junk Removal FAQs
With the increasing popularity of professional junk hauling, some frequently asked questions consistently come up. Here are some of the most common:
If you have a lot of debris in your house or on your property, it's best to contact a professional junk removal service to ensure everything is disposed of safely and through the proper channels.
It depends on the type of junk and how much there is. We offer competitive pricing on all our services in the Des Moines IA area, including junk hauling.
By reaching out to ReadyClean and letting our experts take care of it for you!
ReadyClean Accolades & Affiliations